I am magic.

I don’t know what I want to do.
I don’t know where I will end.
But one thing I do know; I will get far in life.

Once I figure out what I want, I know I will get there.
I know.

I know I was destined for great things. I just haven’t found my calling just yet.
But I know I am not ordinary.

I am magic.

What about you?

Settling is my new enemy.

There will always be something new to see.

Something new to try.

Someone new to meet.


You will never get to experience everything in life, because the amount of experiences and people out there are infinite.

And you know what, that’s okay… As long as you don’t feel like every day is the same day, then you’ve made a life for yourself that’s worth living.

Staying in the same lane and never out of your comfort zone is not where you find growth, it’s where you find comfort. It’s not where you find growth because you’re not being challenged, you’re not learning much new and that does’nt give you the chance to broaden your horizon.

I love my life. I love life. I love myself.

I love the person I have become, the person I was – because she lead me to where I am now, and the person I will become.

I am brave.
I am adventurous.
I am beautiful.
Inside out.

I’d rather be alone than settle.
I’d rather struggle in every aspect that settle.
Settling is not where I find happiness.
I find happiness in myself, in knowing that I haven’t settled.

I don’t ever want to feel like there was something I COUDL’VE done, but I DIDN’T.
No… Anything I want to do, I CAN DO, so I have no reason not to.
At the same time I respect that time is essential too, most things don’t come overnight… But hell, if I don’t try and try, till I succeed… Then my life has no purpose, because settling doesn’t give it purpose.

A few things I’ve decided to NOT DO anymore:

  • settle for a guy/love
  • settle for my future occupance
  • settle in general

Why should I go for average, when I don’t believe I am average myself?

No, nope, nah. That’s not a life I wanna live, it’s time for me to chase my dream and inner power.

It’s time for me to find my true calling and fullfil it.

It’s time for me to reaveal the real me to the world.
And the world will love it.